The CECAM node at Daresbury Laboratory is hosted by STFC’s Scientific Computing Department (SCD). The computational research interests and capabilities are among others
- Data intensive computing, Numerical analysis, Cognitive computing, and Software engineering
- Multiscale modelling in physics, chemistry, materials science, life sciences, and engineering
- Computational modelling in support of STFC experimental programmes
- Computational modelling support of of UK scientific community through Collaborative Computational Projects under the Computational Science Centre for Research (CoSeC)
- Computational Science for facilities
- Council members: Barbara Montanari & Daan Frenkel
- Node director: Leon Petit
- Funded by the Scientific Computing Department of STFC
- Node established in 2010 (Originally named Hartree node, first node director: Walter Temmerman)
- Node sponsors 5-10 workshops & hands-on courses per year
- Events organized by both SCD staff at DL/RAL and/or different Universities in UK